
Oh hai!

I haven’t been on here since F E B R U A R Y. 😭

When you’re typing February, do you say FEB-RU-AR-Y in your head? Yeah, me either. Why would anyone do that?

A lot of life has happened in the last six and a half months, my friends.

Our beloved trailer wasn’t ready for us to move into as we planned, but our lease was up in March, so we moved. Luckily, we live where Rosy lives, now. Having immediate access to her has been great! As time and budget allows, we are building her to our specs, and we are SO eager to get her done ASAP and move in! I’ll do a full update post on Rosy soon, I promise. Here are some semi-recent pics that I’ll explain in later posts.

We got married! Once we hit the point with the trailer where we didn’t yet have the right equipment to keep going, we put renovations on pause and shifted our focus to finalizing all the wedding things. We got married on the beach at Tunnel Park on Lake Michigan. It was everything I’ve ever dreamed of! Hope the same goes for him too 🤣. Yes, we did our secret handshake just before our first kiss as a married couple. That’s just how we do.

This is what stopped us in our tracks about a month before the wedding. A chewed up, salt-corroded, cancerous rusty frame.


That’s all from the front end of the trailer. Because the back end was in great condition for its age, having only minor surface rust, we thought the front end would be good to go. Nope. So now, we’re in the business of welding. And when I say we, I mean Arnavick, because I’ve done nothing but supervise so far, though I realllly want to try welding at least once! 👩🏼‍🏭

Anyway, back to where we started… I haven’t been on here since Feb! That makes me so sad! I really love blogging. Before I was here, I spent a couple of years writing Jamie’s Home blog where I chronicled my decor and diy adventures. Blogging is a fun outlet for me, and I like being able to stretch my writing legs in a casual setting!

I work full time and then some, go to school four nights a week, and we’re renovating Rosy, so I find myself thinking that I don’t have time to blog. But really, I could spend a heck of a lot less time on Facebook and Insta and take those efforts over here at the hq, so that’s what I think I’ll do. Or try to do. Homework comes first. Actually I’m supposed to be doing homework right now! Oops. Baby steps.

So here’s to more blogging! My next posts will likely be a recap of what we’ve done on the trailer, a nice lil’ wedding post, and a recap of some of the fun stuff we did while we were up in West Michigan for our wedding and honeymoon. Talk soon!


talk to me, baby